Mass apply overwrite unchecked value e.g. Timeframe

Timeframe of main test is set to M1, so unchecked Timeframe in additional market backtest should use the same M1. But here was used M30, as you can see in the databank and as well in the description of this cross check.
Setting of this task was copied from the task, where M30 was set. So it seems that if we use mass apply it will hard set copied value, and after that SQ don't follow the user's choice of uncheck timeframe, which should use parameter from strategy. I have seen this behavior multiple time when mass apply was used e.g. for copping Data setting in builder or automatic retest, pro probably this bug is not just about this specific mass apply of setting of additional market in builder, but in general when mass apply is used and then is uncheck switch which should lead to use value from strategy.
SQ build: 137.1747
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




26.12.2023 13:29

Task created



26.12.2023 13:30

Subject changed from Mass apply overwrite unchecked Timeframe to Mass apply overwrite unchecked value e.g. Timeframe

Attachment obrazek_2023-12-26_132952538.png added

Attachment _GBP_pokus generovani_RT_2xISTISVOOS_LMT.cfx added

_GBP_pokus generovani_RT_2xISTISVOOS_LMT.cfx
(257.34 KiB)
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26.12.2023 15:56
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