Memory choking on WFM

Every time when I'm doing complex WFM computing with many strategies SQ tends to be stuck and maybe swapping memory. SQ always eats all memory and significantly slows down.
Wouldn't it be a solution if SQ first finishes one strategy before starting with another one? And clear RAM between. Normally SQ crunch parallely around 3 different strategies so I guess it comes with higher RAM demand. On the start of the WFM project, before SQ ate all RAM, was avg. time per strategy less than 9 min., even M1 timeframe. After reaching the RAM cap are 3 unfinished strategies around 2 hours and still counting. Actually it seems it stopped moving forward completely, or brutally slowed down, as in the grid are on the same % of progress after 40 min. See the attachments.

Another sad story is that SQ HW limits. I purchased 192 threads and 512 RAM machine, but SQ limits threads to 128 (which goes on WIN as well) but SQ limits RAM to 128GB too. Maybe one day can accept more RAM than 128, but my main issue is IMHO suboptimal workflow for crunching WFMs.
SQ build: 137.1747
__WFM 1month IS a OOS.cfx
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Screenshot 2023-12-26 221708.png
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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




26.12.2023 22:53

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26.12.2023 22:53
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26.12.2023 22:53

Attachment Screenshot 2023-12-26 221244.png added

Screenshot 2023-12-26 221244.png
(337.80 KiB)


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