Mass Import in 138


I use Tradestation data and ideally I would use the sqx138 mass file import, which is a great improvement, however it does not work in my case.

When I import manually the code recognize the TS csv file and import the file fine.
For some reason in the mass import this is not the case. 
The mass import recognizes the symbol and if I reopen the Data manager all the symbols are there but no data.

I have tried to change the data format to what it suggests in the Mass import gui, however that too is somewhat incomplete.
In the mass import gui window it suggest this format:

Date(ddMMyyyy), Open,High,Low,Close,Volume   what about TIME column format and where it goes?

Even if you inform the user about the TIME column format, I am still wondering why the manual file import recognize my Tradestation csv but the mass import does not?

It seems logical that it should be as intelligent as the "old" method.

To me the normal date format should be something like dd/MM/yyyy or MM/dd/yyyy (US) and not without any separator but of course that is up to sqx

Standard Tradestation csv has (I think one can change) is
MM/dd/yyyy, hh:mm, Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,OI
where OI is open interest and it is 0 for stocks.

I attached a 195min AAPL file for your reference.

ps. Am I supposed to do something with the Watchers check list below this input window?

kind rdgs


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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal



11.02.2024 14:51

Task created



12.02.2024 14:09

Status changed from New to Refused

Currently the mass import works only for daily data. This is a reason why there is no TIME column :) The format is fixed Date(ddMMyyyy), Open,High,Low,Close,Volume

This feature was added mainly because of Stockpicker but we plan to extend it in the next sqx versions.



25.02.2024 12:56
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