Databank not updated if once it is full.


I set the size of databank 1000,
and run random generation using my own template.

Once the databank get full (build stop mode is "NEVER")
databank is not updated anymore.
the strategy that have lowerest fitness score never deleted.

I tested it for an hour but the last one still remains.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




08.07.2017 12:50

Task created



19.07.2017 13:34

It seems R expectance is not working. it is always zero.

So, when I set R exp. to the fitness index,  all fitness value is stick to 0.3. no changes ever.

I think this is the reason for it.



Mark Fric

21.07.2017 10:26

Status changed from New to Fixed

I found and fixed the problem, statistical values were not computed in the right order so R Expectancy was not computed.


04.09.2017 13:33

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