[SQ4 B3] Filename disappears and changes to the clicked directory name when exporting a strategy

When trying to "Save" a strategy from the pool to the file by using the "Save" button, it first correctly shows the filename it should be saved to, like for example "Strategy 0.10". However, when then selecting a different directory in the browser to save it too, the filename disappears and changes to the directory name you´ve just clicked on. It should not do that, the filename should always stay the same in the "File name" line and not change to the directory you want to save to if clicking a directory.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




14.07.2017 02:48

Task created


Tomas Brynda

02.08.2017 09:53

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: 0

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Max size: 5MB

Not allowed: exe, msi, application, reg, php, js, htaccess, htpasswd, gitignore

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