[SQ4 B3] Trying to load strategy from SQ3 gives error "Key IchimokuKijun wasn´t found in blocks"

As the topic says, this is one of the errors I get when trying to load one of my SQ3 strategies into the Retester.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




14.07.2017 05:18

Task created


Mark Fric

24.07.2017 10:41

Status changed from New to Confirmed


Mark Fric

25.08.2017 08:38

Status changed from Confirmed to Fixed

Ichimoku is fixed, there are still a few blocks from SQ3 that are missign in SQ4 - all Daily blocks - OpenDaily, CloseDaily etc.

We'll add them in the new update.

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