SQ4 resource control

I think SQ needs a control panel that can manage maximum CPU and RAM usage.
I have 256GB of ram, but SQ uses just 1/10 of it. I want to tell SQ that I has much more memory available.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




02.08.2017 19:47

Task created



03.08.2017 14:42

Also, my machine has 48 logical cores so I want more detailed control for my resources. 

Is it possible to reserve it for Builder / Retester / Optimizer ? 

or could it be reserved for each custom projects?




03.08.2017 14:58

I think that genetic diversity of population is key factor for success.

So I want to make huge strategy pool for each generation. 

To do this, I need more memory space for this.



Mark Fric

04.08.2017 08:44

Status changed from New to Fixed

It is not possible (or very difficult) to manage the use of each core in processor. But it should work in a way that all cores are equally working.

You can modify the amount of available memory by creating a config file StrategyQuant4.config in SQ folder and put one line to the file:

option -Xmx32g

this will allocate 32 GB RAM for SQ4.

I'm attaching sample config file.



04.09.2017 16:53

Attachment 52aee90952ff62a.png deleted

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