Multi-CPU load balancing


I think CPU load balancing is needed when we run multiple custom projects.
I have a dual-CPU system. 
I ran two custom project instances on this machine, but they seemed executed on only one single CPU.
Or, at least, SQ4 didn't utilize available resourecs well.
When I ran 2 custom projects, one was much slower than the other one.
Please check this issue.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




03.08.2017 19:27

Task created



03.08.2017 19:31

The job on custom project was exactly the same random strategy generation.



Mark Fric

14.08.2017 07:16
jen poznamka - uz jsem si objednal dvou procesorovy pocitac, muzem s tim pockat az mi prijde a otestuju to ja.


04.09.2017 16:53

Attachment 198193696d99507.png deleted



17.10.2017 16:59
yes when select affinity in task manager you can only selected one of the Cpu Sockets for SQ4. This seems due to Hyperthreading. If You turn off the Hyperthreading in bios the CPU sockets are merged as one and SQ4 use all of them and the performance pretty much doubles. It is the same with SQ3 ofcourse . Most programs  have the same problem with multisocket montherboards and hyperthreading.

Mark Fric

31.01.2018 11:31

Status changed from New to Fixed

verified it on dual-CPU system. 

Beta 8 now uses both processors. There is still room for improvements on how the resources are used, we'll continue working on it.

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