System internal state saving to resume its operation when SQ crashes


It would be great if SQ saves its internal operation state to prevent the loss of SQ4 works.
When SQ crashes during genetic evolution, which needs large amount of computation power, we cannot resume its work from the point it crashes now.
Restarting large scale genetic evolution from the start point can be hard work because it needs so much time and huge  computation power.
So I request this feature to SQ4.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




10.08.2017 09:56

Task created


Mark Fric

25.08.2017 09:25

Status changed from New to Refused

unfortunately this is not possible, or it would be extremely complicated. We'll focus instead on making genetic evolution more stable and not crash. 

You'll not lose strategies - as they are stored in files, but we'll not store internal state of genetic engine to files, it would be too slow.

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