strategy from template still have problem

i reported this B1 and B3, at B4 i still don't think it is working in right way,
for instance 
trade when( condition1 rnd condition2  rnd condition3)   
so the right generation of strategies should have total 4 combinations  (and ,and)    (and ,or )    (or ,and)    (or ,or)   
that's it , but right now is not, it keep generating  randomly   (and ,and)  ,  (and ,or )  ,(and ,and), (or ,or)  , (and ,or )  .....
endlessly , it does not enumerate , i don't think is right , waste of time and power.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




10.08.2017 20:46

Task created


Mark Fric

18.08.2017 14:36

Status changed from New to Refused

random generation doesn't work the way you described it. 

In you example there are only few combinations, but what if somebody creates a template with 10 rnd parts and there will be thousands possible combinations?

We use random generation for every random block, including and/or placeholder. It is not a waste of time and power, it is simply how it should work.

We'd not save any work by testing every combination of and/or elements, every backtest is done separately, we cannot use indicator values computed in previous tests.



31.08.2017 06:01
i don't agree with you, 10 rnd will ne 1024 combinations, it does not make sense to randomly generate them without remembering what has been generated,

it can have the situations some are keep generating , some are never generated, when the combination are large enough.


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