
1. In the Retest stage, the Databank View has a tab “Retest” this is redundant since user is already in Retest

2. The “Create Portfolio” button on the Databank View is not working

3. When the Databank View window is pulled right up to the top, it merged and there is no way to pull the window back down again

4. The Maximum “Consecutive Losses” results always show Zero, not right.

5 The “Manage Views” of the Databank that allow user to select the parameters sorted them according to user preference is not working. After sorted and the display does not captured it and jumbled them up again.



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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




13.08.2017 18:21

Task created


Mark Fric

17.08.2017 16:46

Description changed:

1. In the Retest stage, the Databank View has a tab “Retest” this is redundant since user is already in Retest

2. The “Create Portfolio” button on the Databank View is not working

3. When the Databank View window is pulled right up to the top, it merged and there is no way to pull the window back down again

4. The Maximum “Consecutive Losses” results always show Zero, not right.

5 The “Manage Views” of the Databank that allow user to select the parameters sorted them according to user preference is not working. After sorted and the display does not captured it and jumbled them up again.



we'll fix at least some of these in next Beta 5

Mark Fric

18.08.2017 14:59

Description changed:

1. In the Retest stage, the Databank View has a tab “Retest” this is redundant since user is already in Retest

2. The “Create Portfolio” button on the Databank View is not working

3. When the Databank View window is pulled right up to the top, it merged and there is no way to pull the window back down again

4. The Maximum “Consecutive Losses” results always show Zero, not right.

5 The “Manage Views” of the Databank that allow user to select the parameters sorted them according to user preference is not working. After sorted and the display does not captured it and jumbled them up again.



Status changed from New to Fixed

1., 3., 4., 5. fixed

2. it will be either in this or next update

Votes: 0

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