[SQ4 B5] Java Crash (might NOT be related to SQ4)

After running SQ4 for a few hours to generate strategies, it crashed (see attached log file). I though have been using the latest Java 8 (Build 144), so it could also be related to this. I am still attaching the log file, maybe it helps something and MAYBE it was SQ4´s fault (although this should actually not be possible given the specification of the Java language). Thank you.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




01.09.2017 17:05

Task created


Mark Fric

02.09.2017 08:24
thank you, we'll investigate this


04.09.2017 13:36

Attachment 7088dcb94e4b651.log deleted


Mark Fric

13.10.2017 15:22

Status changed from New to Fixed

there are still ocassional crashes of the program, we are investigating it

Votes: 0

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