Out of memory caused Windows to close SQ4 during RT test.

RT re-test on 17 Strategies,  1000 simulations, Randomise history data on default setting. (1 min resolution used)

Computor Spec.

Windows 10 _pro

Xeon 2* 20cores  (  100 % Cpu during test)
80 gig ram.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




15.10.2017 14:38

Task created


Mark Fric

15.11.2017 11:19

Status changed from New to Fixed

we added better memory handling, RT simulations now don't use that much memory. 

But with 1000 simulations you have to expect it to use will use at least 10-20 GB memory, depending also on number fo strategy orders - every order is kept in memory until it is stored into databank.

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