extra OOS2 period of 1 day

By default Beta 7 created an OOS2 of 1 day long that I didn't create.  It was so short that it didn't show on the graph.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




22.11.2017 16:57

Task created


Mark Fric

23.11.2017 13:18

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

I cannot reproduce it. When I create OOS #2 it creates it with approx. 20% of the whole data range, and places it in the middle of the In sample period.

Can you show me a screenshot? Also what timeframe and data range did you use?



23.11.2017 15:27

Attachment double OOS.jpg added

Attachment JDM Build File.xml added

Mark - here is a screenshot and the settings file.  I did not set the 1 day OOS. SQ set it on its own.



Mark Fric

31.01.2018 09:16

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

this looks like some bug in UI, butt we are unable to reproduce it. Anyway it is easy to just delete this additional 1-day OOS, closing it for now

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