Data - Clone to Timezone

new action in Data manager, it will allow to create a clone of the existing data recomputed or shifted into a different timezone.

See screenshot for the UI.

User has to choose some existing data, these data will be then cloned into a different timeframe.
When he clicks on Proceed button there will be a dialog with progress bar.

Source of the new data will be "Cloned", it will be not possible to import or download to these data, but you can delete it and create new clone again.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



Mark Fric

05.02.2018 10:33

Task created



05.02.2018 11:21

Hello Mark, 

screenshot is not attached. Why it will be not possible to import to this data? I understand, that it will be only cloned, but here are any options to solve that or not? If I will download data once a week for 15 symbols, this will be time-consuming. 

Thank you for responce.


Mark Fric

05.02.2018 11:41

Attachment clone_to_tz.png added

attaching the screenshot.

the cloned data should not be modified, because they were created by cloning some existing data.

So you have for example EURUSD data that you imported, and you create new EURUSD_5 data with +5 hours shift by cloning.

You can update your EURUSD data, but you cannot import directly to cloned EURUSD_5 data - they are computed from EURUSD data.

So you can delete this clone and recreate it once the cource EURUSD data is updated. I'm adding one more feature - recompute the cloned data once the source data were updated.


Mark Fric

05.02.2018 11:43
additional specification:

- Cloned data should remember the ID of source data that were used in its creation

- after any update of the source data there should be a dialogue "Do you want to recompute all the cloned data based on symbol XYZ?
[list of all clones of XYZ]


When user selects Yes, all cloned data are cleared and new ones are recomputed from updated source data.



05.02.2018 14:54
Recompute function is good idea. Thanks. 

Tomas Vanek

14.04.2018 19:52

Attachment SQ4_clone.png added

bylo by dobre pridat progress bar pri zpracovavani klonovani pri vytvareni clonu se objevi dalsi symbol chvili ale vsak neni nic videt az se pak najednou ticky objevi, viz screenshot. Chvili to pusobi ze to nefunguje.


16.04.2018 09:42
progress tam je. u mna to funguje pekne. Skusim to este neako osetrit.

Tomas skusas stale najnovsiu verziu z GIT? SQ sa meni kazdy den a to dost vyrazne.


Tomas Vanek

16.04.2018 10:01
mam nejakou verzi z patku. zkusim to tedy stahnout znovu.

Tomas Vanek

16.04.2018 16:44
tak mas pravdu progres bar tam je, sice to teda neodpovida realite kolik dat to naimportovalo ale aspon to komunikuje s userem. Progress bar byl v pulce kdyz to dokoncilo import. To je ale jen kosmeticka vada.


19.04.2018 09:46
chyba prepocitanie cloned dat pri zmene source dat. Pri tomto je viacero problemov ale samotny clone funguje ok


16.07.2018 15:42

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