Deep Learning in the Cloud

It would be good to have Deep Learning in the Cloud

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Duplicate
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee Mark Fric
  • Milestone Beta 9
  • Category Backend




09.02.2018 05:23
Hook up Keras 2.X which has Backends as TensorFlow, Theano, CNTK , MXNet  even Caffe  and then we can run it locally or in the cloud . My 8 Titan Volta GPU system will appreciate it and i will too. Get the Source code and fire it up  on MT4/MT5, NinjaTrader or TradeStation   and we should be cooking some good profits in any trading session 

Mark Fric

12.02.2018 08:32

Assignee was changed

Status changed from New to Duplicate

this is planned - we will be adding Neural Network learning into SQ4, but not using any external library / service.
It has to work also when it will run in Metatrader or other platform, so we'll make our own implementation. 

Also, we cannot use GPU if we want to keep SQ open and allow for developing own custom indicators.



06.01.2019 01:47
Voted for this task.

Votes: +1

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