[SQ4 B9] Block "(MKT) Enter at market" comes with custom settings instead of default?

After a fresh install of SQ4 B9 without migrating any settings, the block "(MKT) Enter at market" under "Building blocks" is set to "false" for "Allow Duplicate Trades". If clicking "Reset to default" it changes to "true, false" and Generation to "random" from previously "fixed".

Why is that and why is it shipping with a custom instead of the default setting? Just wondering....

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




22.04.2018 00:00

Task created



22.04.2018 00:03
I´ve just noticed that many other blocks like "Exit Types" and some of the indicators (Keltner Channel for example) are set to "Custom" too out of the box. Why is that and why are they not at default?

Mark Fric

03.05.2018 16:00

Status changed from New to Fixed

for orders we don't want to place duplicate trades if there already is live order. For now we don't have configuration that woudl allow us to specify that this should be the fixed value in block, so it is saved as custom setting. We'll add this feature later, then Enter At Market can be at its default setting that will be as same as is its custom setting now.

As for other blocks, it is mostly an ommission, we'll update the strategy type templates in RC 1.



04.05.2018 04:14
Yes, I understand, I just meant that the out of the box installation should show everything at "Default" instead of "Custom". What I meant is that you basically should just set the current "Custom" values as "Default" instead :-)

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