chart data

I have checked "store chart data" but it does not show the chart on the results/chart tab
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




22.04.2018 19:54

Task created


Mark Fric

24.04.2018 10:52

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

I cannot reproduce this error, can you attach your project settings here?

It always works for me - but you have to retest the startegy after you turn on this setting



24.04.2018 13:53

Attachment Build1.xml added

Mark,  Here is my settings file.  When I have it checked it does not store chart data.

Additionally that checked box seems to uncheck itself sometimes.


Mark Fric

24.04.2018 15:12
in this config Store Chart  Data is not checked. 

This config can uncheck itself if you'll change strategy type in Simple settings, but we'll fix this.


Mark Fric

02.05.2018 07:41

Status changed from Waiting for information to Fixed

should be fixed, I think I identified the problem - this setting was not used at all during generation of initial population in Genetic evolution, so that's probably why you didn't see it in some strategies

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