much fewer "trading options" in retester

Mark - there are much fewer "trading options" in the retester such as replace pending orders, max trades per day, all of the SL and ATR stuff.

Is this on purpose? Or does it all just carry through from what was built?


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




06.05.2018 16:46

Task created


clonex / Ivan Hudec

06.05.2018 18:43
Yes good question

Mark Fric

14.05.2018 14:43

Status changed from New to Refused

yes, it is on purpose. Things like SL/PT size are used only during build to generate startegy, and strategy will not have these configurable.

It will be possible to add Maximum SL/PT and virtually any other trading option as a custom trading options later, we'll make a lot of examples how to extend the program using snippets once everything is stable. 

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