SQ4 - Add fixed values as well as existing fixed value for parameters

Hi SQ4 team,

At the moment, parameter values for building blocks can be either:

  1. Random between min value and max value with configurable step
  2. A single fixed value

Can you please add a 3rd option of fixed values, so I can enter 14 ,50, 100, 200 and this will randomly select one of those fixed values?  This should apply to global setting or be overridden in individual custom settings for each building block.

Same would apply to all values, periods, levels etc.  



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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




17.05.2018 13:56

Task created



17.05.2018 13:57

Subject changed from SQ4 - Add fixed values instead of fixed value for parameters to SQ4 - Add fixed values as well as existing fixed value for parameters

Attachment SQ4 RC1 Add fixed values feature.png added


Mark Fric

28.05.2018 07:43

Status changed from New to Refused

This is possible using parameter sets, you can define multiple parameter sets with different fixed values for your particular parameter

Votes: 0

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