export all from databank

Is it possible to export all strategies from the data bank easily /quickly?

I have set very script filters on which strategies I want to keep so I only get quality results ,  but , then I want to export the databank all at once [all strategies and all formats (mt5,ninja,mt4,python, etc) to a zip file to retest live so i can quickly upload them to a live test environment and to a mentor to review.]

Be good/nice to have this as an option to automatically do this as they are created.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




28.05.2018 02:25

Task created


Mark Fric

31.05.2018 08:52

Status changed from New to Refused

there is this option. You can select multiple (or all) strategies and then save them all to a folder of your choosing.

Votes: 0

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