Crosscheck filtering does not work in Builder.

Mark - from what I have tested so far I have found:

1. filtering in the "Ranking and Filtering" tab works well.
2. filtering built into the additional markets check does not filter.  All markets greater than zero does not work.
3. Builder / MC methods /  filtering did not work.
4. Builder / MC manipulation / filtering did not work

Please check all of the filtering in the crosschecks programming in all 6 options.

I am currently working with the software by only using filtering in the "Ranking and Filtering" tab.
This works but takes tons of time.

I have not tested the filtering in retester yet.  Please check this also.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




04.06.2018 14:45

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Tomas Brynda

04.01.2019 15:45

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