Memory Build up when many Islands

Memory build up slowlyuntil You run out of memory when using many Islands in GEN EVO. Okey I used 100 . Allthought it keeps randomly generating alot of strategies for initial population so the CPU stays max out. until it does a WFA then it goes down to like 4 % which You also need to fix. I have the max mem set to 8 gig but as you see from pitcure one session is now using more then 40 gig.
(19.71 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




11.06.2018 11:58

Task created


Mark Fric

13.06.2018 08:21

Status changed from New to Fixed

this is because SQ uses also offheap memory that is not controlled by Java. The memory you set in configuration is only for Java heap.

but this memory usage is extreme, I'll look at it.

We recently made some improvements in Walk Forward engine, it should be more effective.

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