Speed with filters and without filters

Mark, I have not mathematically tracked this yet but there seems to be a great difference in the speed of generation if I use filters or do not.   Let me explain. 

 If I let the software run without any filters  it will generate thousands of strategies in a matter of a couple hours.  I can then go through manual retesting and filtering like we did under SQ3 to try and arrive at the result I want and maybe have 100 or 200 strategies left over.  Both steps would take for example four or five hours  

 To the contrary, if I set many filters to achieve the same desired results as the first scenario, after four or five hours I may only have 10 strategies. 

 Why is this and can it be improved? 

 In addition, based on how this fitness ranking influences the logic, I am not sure that when generation results become so slow that the work is really efficient. 

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
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  • Priority Normal




18.06.2018 23:40

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Mark Fric

20.06.2018 08:15

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I tested this, but it seems to be working normally for me, it is actually little bit faster when using automatic filters compared to when I turn them off,. 

Are you talking about automatic filters? Or filters of main test? or filters on cross checks?

Can you attach here your build config with filters so I can test it with your settings?


Mark Fric

26.06.2018 14:38

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