Databank results only show portfolio as default

Default view only shows portfolio result. The only way to generates strategies is to add a portfolio and set ranking filtering on that. Crosschecks rules for additional data do not work it saves strategies with failed additional data filters. So I got around this problem adding the same data stream on additional data and set the Ranking- filters to check portfolio performance instead.

It is not possible to edit and change the default view, Some functions are there like I can add drawdown to main data view but nothing else works it is missing .

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




23.06.2018 03:53

Task created



23.06.2018 04:45
It seems when you do not have additional data added to crosschecks it is the Main data results that is shown. I added this directly since it was the functions of crosschecks I was most interested in testing since they have been fixed. However seems that is not the case maybe the programmer thought He fixed it because he got a few strategies in data bank that complied with the settings.


25.06.2018 14:59

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: 0

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