Clone view

see screenshot - there are two problems:

1. when I repeatedly click on Clone button, it will generate multiple views with the same name "Default - Clonned".
It should create names "Default - Cloned", Default - Cloned(2)" etc.

2. typo error - not Clonned, but Cloned

3. view name should be editable for all views except Default one.

(47.96 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



Mark Fric

04.07.2018 06:36

Task created


Mark Fric

04.07.2018 07:03
4. ked si uzivatel vytvori novy view, a klikne na Save, mal by sa ten popup dialo zatvorit a novo pridany view by sa mal aplikovat na databank. Teraz ostava popup stale otvoreny a v databanku sa view nezmeni.

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