CPU load still very high

The CPU issues still exist with this build 106!
Any ideas on how to address this will be most appreciated.
Was never an issue till RC5!!
STQbuild 106 - CPU problems130718.png
(59.62 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




13.07.2018 16:59

Task created



13.07.2018 17:01
Just to add that I have not changed anything in the build settings. I have tried to CPU options in the settings but makes NO difference.

Mark Fric

16.07.2018 08:46
what kind of computer do you have? How many cores does it have?

It shouldn't do this with Random generation, unless you have some very slow processor.

Also, did you restart SQ after changing the performance settings to use less cores?


Mark Fric

09.08.2018 14:24

Status changed from New to Refused

it is a matter of settings. you should be able to configure it to use only part of your cores, or only one, if the CPU load is too big

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