Attempting to load strats into Retester kills SQ.

Today is the first attempt of using SQ4 Build 106. I installed it over the previous SQ4 that I never used. I loaded tick data into SQ then set the data to use EURUSD M30.

Next I open the Retester section and set the start end end dates of the data and set one OOS date range. When I open the DATABANKS1 window and click the Load button to load strategies, All ore SQ3 strategies, the window pops, and I navigate to the folder and all of the strategies appeared. I highlighted them and continued. SQ made a nasty beep and immediately closed.

Next I restarted SQ4x Build 106 and checked to make sure all of my previous settings were still there and then opened the DATABANKS window. The instant I clock the Load button SQ4 closes this time without any sounds. I tried re-booting the computer and get the same result.

Thanks for all your efforts.

Dave McDuffie
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




15.07.2018 05:35

Task created


Mark Fric

15.07.2018 07:36
it seems the problem is with File dialog, it seems it crashes on some computers with our modifications, so we added a possiblity to turn off advanced functionality.

Please open main menu on the top right, go to Global and turn off "Use advanced FileChooser"

Then restart SQ and try again, I believe it will solve the problem with loading.



15.07.2018 21:14

Nope. It still kills it. Since this was installed as an update I removed SQ4 completely and reinstalled. The issue is now resolved.



15.07.2018 23:51
On one of my computors it did not save the strategies when exited the program. Would not loike that to happen after a coupe of weeks maybe You can add an Hourly save or something.

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