No Strategies Generated - Memory issues persist

Hi Mark, please attend to my very urgent frustrating issues. I really can't work out what is going on.
1. Tried several things including Random generation, Genetic Evolution,  symmetrical/asymmetrical and various other tweaks, but NO strategies are being generated.
2. Yesterday, after several days of no production, it produced over 8000 strategies via Genetic evolution. However, as I was about to sing Alleluyah, it crashed, and nothing had been saved into databank.(At least I can't see them).
3. Occasionally, when I want to save a configuration, an error message is produced, until I to other tabs and back (e.g. from build to tester and back to build) before saving will take place. A similar alert below - #4
4. When I wanted to access the guidance pdf, it could not be accessed error message was generated.
I am not techie as you guys, but I have tried everything in my power - no joy.
5. My PC spec re attached. Using only 4 out of 8 cores.

PS. One log file seems to big to upload.
PC Spec 1.png
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memory management problems 180718.png
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




18.07.2018 23:27

Task created


Mark Fric

26.07.2018 09:25

Status changed from New to Refused

there is a common theme here -  you set it to too strict. In your first setting you set it to generate 1000 strategies x 8 islands, with decimation = 2 and filter.

This means it has to generate 16.000 strategies that pass the initial population filter. It is quite a lot, it could generate it for hours.

I'd recommend you to start with Random generation first - there test how many strategies can be generated in reasonable time with your filters, and then you can use the same setting also for Initial population and you'll know what to expect.

For example, it seems to me that the condition that Number of trades > 1000 is too strict, it depends on the length of data and timeframe.

We are still working on speed of generation and also on balancing the generation process so that it doesn't generate bad strategies that get rejected immediately.

So we will be improving the program experience, but still it is also up to you as user to find the "best" ways to use it.

Votes: 0

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