SB X build 106 low cpu usage

The build 106 get the problem of low CPU usage again which was fixed in RC5, the beginning is 70% after 1 day it drops to 1% CPU

the machine is E2670  dual CPU. with 16 cores

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




23.07.2018 21:57

Task created



24.07.2018 07:31
Happens to me as well with many cores. The only way to keep it at 100 % for a longer time is to put a tuf value for initial population . However after 1 day I starts to drops and I have to re start.


02.08.2018 05:52
after running 7 day the usage dropped to 3% and the frequency drop too. not able to stop or pause it have to kill the process.

Mark Fric

09.08.2018 14:11

Status changed from New to Fixed

I believe this slowdown is related to bad memory usage and long run of garbage collector. We made a lot of improvements in build 108, now it uses less memory and should be more effective.

I let the build run for 2 days without any slowdown.

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