107: MC manipulation question

Mark - I have attached an MC graph and settings for you to see.  Why are the MC manipulation lines so much shorter than the main test?

I am not skipping any trades.
If i were skipping 20% of trades I would expect it to be 20% shorter.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




02.08.2018 22:37

Task created


Mark Fric

03.08.2018 08:53

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

you are right, this shouldn't happen. When you just randomize order the number of orders should be the same.

I cannot reproduce this error, it behaves correctly in my tests.

I assume the problem could have been that Monte Carlo setting was not saved before you started the test. Can you please check again that it still behaves like this and if yes can attach your Retester config here?


Mark Fric

06.08.2018 10:02

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

cannot reproduce

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