SQWizard/EA Wizard: can not get ea (Buttons do not work)

SQWizard/EA Wizard: can not get ea (Buttons do not work) - see attachment.

I can produce an ea but can not save it outside the EA Wizard.

SQWizard-EA Wizzard can not get ea.jpg
(66.11 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




04.08.2018 15:38

Task created



04.08.2018 15:49
The Save button does not work. Where is the location of the MQL file?

Mark Fric

06.08.2018 09:59

Status changed from New to Refused

it works for me normally. It looks like some problem with security on your computer Try to turn off antivirus for a while, it might be blocking this functionality.

Save button opens the File dialog. If you mean Sav ebutton on Dashboard screen it saves it to the same file from whoch it was loaded.

Votes: 0

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