107: dollars or not

Mark, all filter criteria should be reviewed and addressed where for example when editing net profit “$” will be used.when using Ret/dd no “$” will be used. 

I have gotten caught with this where net profit had no “$” sign in front of the number so the filter never worked properly. 

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




07.08.2018 19:16

Task created



07.08.2018 19:18
This would apply to percent numbers also. 

Mark Fric

13.08.2018 14:53

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

can you give me some example, or screenshot how you mean it? sorry, I don't understand


16.08.2018 15:28

Attachment percent number.jpg added

Mark - It looks like you guys caught a lot of this in 108 however I found one.  It is attached.  This is a number that should be a percent number and is currently not.

For diligence it would be good to review all locations through the software where numbers like this can be input.

If it is a financial number it should show a $

If it is a percent number it should show a %

If it is just a number like RET/DD it should not have a $ or a %.

- Josh

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