Disabling auto scroll

Unchecking the "Auto Scroll" box in Builder, does not change the behaviour: it still scrolls automatically.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




15.08.2018 18:47

Task created


Mark Fric

22.08.2018 15:17

Status changed from In progress to Refused

it doesn't, it just seems like it. The log window is restricted to 600 lines, otherwise there would be a big amount of text in the memory.

So when the log window is full, and new message arrives, it has to throw away the oldest line and insert the new one, so it looks like it is scrolling although it is not. I'm not sure how to solve it in better way.



22.08.2018 19:20
When I dont scroll I should see same lines for many minutes. This way should work unchecked auto scrolling. If you dont fix it, you can remove this chceckbox, it is useless. 

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