Manual or non-SQ algo filter rules


I'd like to be able to upload a list of backtested trades from strategies developed outside SQ then allow SQ to find the best trade filters to maximise returns.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




23.08.2018 19:59

Task created


Mark Fric

24.08.2018 08:33

Status changed from New to Refused

this is functionality of QuantAnalyzer. We will be adding more features of QA into SQ, but only after final version is released


24.08.2018 11:27
Hi Mark,

Thank you.  

Just in case I explained incorrectly.  Yes it is possible upload trades to QA and to perform limited filtering.  The filtering I am referring to is the type done by the strategy improver.  I believe the improver can be extended to work with an imported list of trades.  I believe it could be invaluable to the manual/discretionary trader and adds yet another value-adding differentiated feature to SQ and increases the size of the potential customer base.

Thanks again.

Votes: 0

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