109 - Filters are always saved to the original install drive.

SQ4x - 109 was installed fresh on Drive C:. The whole folder was then copied to Drive D for all testing and evaluation. The Drive C was left as originally installed. The icon on the desktop was changed to reference Drive D for program location and start directory and is attached.

When running SQ off of Drive D any filters that are saved are written to the Drive C installation, not the active Drive D installation.  The Load saved filter only looks at Drive D and cannot see the previously saved filters.

When the folder name on Drive C is changed and an attempt to save a filter is made SQ cannot find the install directory so it defaults to looking at the system Documents folder.

SQ4 - 109 is not truly portable to other locations.

Thank you,
SQ 109.lnk
(1.14 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




07.09.2018 04:36

Task created



07.09.2018 04:58


Once the drive and folder have been set manually to look at the D: installation SQ remembers the location correctly, even after exiting & re-starting SQ.



07.09.2018 08:07

Status changed from New to Refused

You copied the whole SQ folder together with settings /user/setttings/settings.dat.

You can delete this file to use the default locations.

Votes: 0

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