Be able to automatically delete failed strategies in Custom Projects

I think it would be helpful if it's possible choosing to delete strategies that don't pass the corresponding tasks in a Custom Project.


Imagine my first task is building up to 2000 strategies.
Then my second task is retesting with higher precission.
And my first task is retesting in a different market.

I create 3 different databanks one for each task (i.e. Results, Precission & Market)

The way it currently works is: Generates 2000 strategies that are stored in Results tab, then retest higher precission and the 2000 strategies are again stored in "Precission" tab pointing out the ones that failed/passed. Finally the strategies are retested in different market and again the 2000 are stores in "Market". This way you lose track of the stretegies that passed both tests.

My sugestion instead is: Generating 2000 stretegies, that are stores in Results. Then retest and only store in "Precission" the ones that passed the test. Finalli perform only on those ones the last test and store in "Market" the ones that passed the test. This way, at the end of the project you would only have in "Market" the ones that passed both tests..


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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




11.09.2018 20:04

Task created



04.10.2018 11:29

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: 0

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