Builder/Databank/Results: A Colum in the databank for the Money managment methode

The builder creates a strategy. The strategist is written to the databank. In addition to the key figures fitness, profit factor in the databank ...... there is another line heading of the databank which reads: money management method. Under this column heading, the individual strategy is used to show which moneymanagement method the strategy has been optimized for.
The money management methods are (Builder/Money management/Choose Money management methode):
- Fixed size
- Risk fixed% balance
- Risk fixed% of account
- Fixed amount
- Sticks size by prize

This could be a column in the veuw setting of the databank setting (columns in vieuw/Money management methode).

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Moved
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None
  • Milestone Archived (To be done later)




22.09.2018 08:01

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Mark Fric

27.01.2019 16:21
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