Autoamtic retest feature

I'd like to have function which retest me all loaded startegies (different place, symbol and time fame) on selected time range,  precission, and MM (MM different for every strategy). Everything without clicking "apply strategy settings", and save strategies in the same place(s) which was loaded.
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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




21.11.2018 23:08

Task created



22.11.2018 09:09
in custom project there is a task "automatic retest" which will retest strategies in databank with different market, TF, settings for the newest data - it will look to a datamanager and set the end of the backtest to the far end of the possible data

its true, that we need to move this feautre to an another level:

- if i want to do MC tests of the different strategies

- if i want to make permutation for the whole set of diff strategies

- if i want BT for only last year of the strategies

this i cant do it for now...this need to be pushed



22.11.2018 17:30
Maybe I said not enough clear. I want to load for exaple 50 strategies, every strategies has different settings and test it with one click, every strategy with own settings, expect time range, and MM which I want to set up manually.


23.11.2018 07:34

Status changed from New to Refused

As hankyes said, there is already a task Automatic retest in custom projects. It retests strategies with their last settings.

clonex / Ivan Hudec

23.11.2018 13:04
Voted for this task.


26.02.2019 09:38
Voted for this task.

Votes: +2

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