What to build

Regarding that when the custom project is selected 2 build blocks with genetic evolution, the output databank will also appear in the 2 initial population databank sections

what he needed?

In my case, I want to generate strategies in 3 stages.
First: rondom generation with small filters.
the second with genetic evolution and higher filters and third, with the same genetic evolution with only the highest filters.

or another option that would have the option of having a retest in the column as an option to choose from which databank retest and which export strategies in the same reel and build section

I'll tell you what I want to say in the first and second case on screen:

1 option.png
(57.42 KiB)
2 option.png
(353.06 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




29.11.2018 18:26

Task created


Mark Fric

13.05.2020 13:16

Status changed from New to Refused

this can be done using a few Builder + Filter strategies

Votes: 0

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