Wrong Stat Boxes in Custom Projects

Would be nice if the stat boxes in custom projects matched the stat boxes in the Restester or Optimiser...currently the builder stat box is shown for Builder, retest and optimize in custom projects.

Would be nice to see what is going on at each stage, and estimated times etc

See Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3qlspcv7mk04uf/Wrong%20Stat%20Box%20in%20Custom%20Projects.mov?dl=0

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




11.01.2019 12:57

Task created



11.01.2019 15:23
Voted for this task.


18.01.2019 09:38

Status changed from New to Refused

The current stat panel display all the required info.


19.01.2019 10:52
No, it does not.

The stat box only shows info for builder stage. Any other stage you click on when this stage is running (retest, optimiser, whatever) info is nonsense. For example, it wont show how many of the strategies it has currently tested, how many remain to be tested, etc., the numbers are nonsense - WF retest for example. Try it. Then try it in the retester or optimizer modules and compare the difference. If for example you want to see how many of the strategies in the databank have been tetsed so far at the retest stage, then the only way to do this is to click on time per strategy details and INFER this information that way. In the retester module you just look at the numbers in the stat box.

Votes: +1

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