Costum project Filter strategies with identical code

Running 50 strategies at the time and then running retest in Costum projects I find that a lot of strategies have the same code and some even are 100% identical on the pip. So we would need to have a check for this as well before moving to a Final folder. You cant today not run to many strategies at the same time before testing especially if You do heavy tests you will run out of memory so you have to minimize the run and restart the build. But then You get this issue with identical strategies which in away also point to that when You restart the strategies are generated in similar order maybe and the random ness is limited in some way. So maybe have a random "new" selection of building blocks would be better.
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  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




01.02.2019 10:55

Task created



01.02.2019 14:23
Voted for this task.


01.02.2019 14:37
Voted for this task.

clonex / Ivan Hudec

01.02.2019 15:43
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

20.10.2020 14:34

Status changed from New to Refused

we have different priorities, and similarity of startegies is alreayd checked during build

Votes: +3

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