Montecarlo only in sample or both in sample and out of sample

Dear Mark Fric,

when we retest the strategies with the Montecarlo, SQX take all the sample. So, we have to test before the sample of the "in sample", delete the strategies not robust, and then make another retest with the sample of the "out of sample". It could be easier if we can choise the sample, if we can flag the montecarlo on "in sample", "out of sample", or both: we could view in one shot what strategies - with the montecarlo done on in sample - lose in out of sample.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




02.02.2019 12:29

Task created



20.06.2019 06:38
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

02.12.2019 14:33

Status changed from New to Refused

sorry, but it will complicate the settings unnecessarily. I don't see that big usage of sample type data parts for MC

Votes: +1

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