B118: The database lost the 3545 strategy

1) In the project, I generate package of 5000 strategy. In the next task I copy the entire package to the backup database. But in the backup database is only 1455 strategies. However, on the disk is all 5000 strategies see 1455 versus 5000.png.

2) In the situation according to 1) I run Clear All but the action deletes only a few strategies see First Clear All.png. The complete delete was successfull after second launch of Clear All see Second Clear All.png.

This situation occurs randomly ... every 2-3 generated packages is not complete in the database.

Czech :
1) V projektu vygeneruji balík 5000 strategii. v dalším tasku celý balík kopiruji do záložní databanky. Ale v záložní databance se zobrazuje pouze 1455 strategii. Nicméně na disku je všech 5000 viz 1455 versus 5000.png.

2)  V situace dle 1)  spouštím Clear All, ale akce smaže pouze několik strategii viz  First Clear All.png. Kompletní smazání proběhlo až při druhém spuštění  Clear All viz Second Clear All.png.

Situace se vyskytuje náhodně... cca každý 2-3  vygenerovaný balíky není v databance kompletní.

1455 versus 5000.png
(557.07 KiB)
Second Clear All.png
(722.78 KiB)
First Clear All.png
(1.13 MiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




02.02.2019 14:28

Task created


Tomas Brynda

11.02.2019 11:01
Please attach a log file

Tomas Brynda

11.02.2019 11:22

Status changed from New to Fixed

I fixed the problem, but I would still like to check your log to ensure it is solved


12.02.2019 06:42

Attachment log_2019_02_11.rar added

Attachment log_2019_02_12.rar added

11.2. at 21:36

12.2. at 6:13


Tomas Brynda

12.02.2019 07:47
Thank you, it will be fixed in the next release. 

You can refresh databanks by clicking to another project and then going back. It is just a matter of showing in UI

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