start stop task

i dont understand how to use the new START STOP tak in custom project?

why do i need to put it as a new task, where? its doesnt make any sense, because its only some general settings, not a part of a the best way is to put these settings right in the first page of the project

if i set to stop the project after 2 minutes and start another project, nothing happened

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




04.02.2019 11:18

Task created


Tomas Brynda

08.02.2019 17:18

Status changed from New to Refused

You have set the condition incorrectly. It will stop current project if the conditions are TRUE at the time Stop & Start task is executed.

You added a condition that run time is lower than 2 minutes. It should be greater than two minutes to make sense. 

If the taskflow gets to the Stop & Start task in more than 2 minutes, the project will be never stopped.

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