fresh blood slowint down the building process

i have done some comparation, but dont know if its a bug, because SQX cant do 100% CPU load if it starts to build initial population

so if i set use fresh blood and genetic need to rebuild new strategies as a initial population, it will slow down the whole building process

with fresh blood  - 210k strs per hour
without fresh blood - 280k strs per hour

can dev team have a look for CPU load when the initial population is builded

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




04.02.2019 11:34

Task created



06.02.2019 07:53
Hmm, I always get 100% load here on genetic building, you can just raise the amount of threads. I have 16 cores, 32 threads and have set SQX manually to use 64 threads, only then my CPU is maxed out 100% all the time. Give it a try :-)


06.02.2019 08:13

i know its a question of settings of gen. builder - with low value of generations, quick adding from freshblood it is happening

in the start of gen. process where  SQX building initial population, i cant get 100% full load, and thats the problem why freshblood is slower

many users have the same

to geektrader: try to set more islands to have bigger initial population (1000+) and you can get 100% load?



07.02.2019 12:21
Voted for this task.

clonex / Ivan Hudec

09.02.2019 12:38

Attachment Snimka.jpg added

hi geek. yes  with fresh blood we have to use different settings. population size up and number of islands up. then i have 100 load of my threadripper 2950 :) ;)


19.02.2019 13:10
If you use 1 island only the HT CPU is not so much load as no HT CPU (I compared Q6700 no HT 4/4 vs. and i9-9900K - 8/16). If I use more islands on HT CPU - is full loaded during evolution calculation.


19.02.2019 17:51
i know about it that i need to use more isladns if i have stronger PC specs ... but there is some problem even when the initial population is created - there i cant have 100% load whatever islands i use

so this problem will occur when fresh blood is used, because new strategies to initial pouplation are created


Mark Fric

10.04.2019 08:48

Status changed from New to Fixed

ok, I doubled the number of parallel jobs when generating new candidates for evolution - in boh initial generation, and fresh blood. Now it uses CPU fully in my tests.

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