4.118 Rejected counter wrong in workflow

Hi, the rejected counter is wrong in workflow.
Most strategies faild but rejected counter is always 0 in workflow.

acepted reacted wrong.png
(56.67 KiB)
workflow PriceAction H1H4 tnickel v2.cfx
(36.44 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




07.02.2019 05:34

Task created


Mark Fric

09.04.2019 13:47

Status changed from New to Refused

it is because the small stats panel in custom project is valid for the actual running project, so it will show correct numbersonly while Builder task is running. We added Global project log there where you can check the numbers of failed strategies for every task.

There will be also visual global log in the new build.

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