B119 significantly slower than B118

same settings

B118 - 660k per hour
B119 - 400k per hour

B119 slower by 40%

some changes was made also in fitness computation, because B119 is much much quicker in restarting generation

B118 could go to 60-70 generation, but B119 will make only max 20-30 and than restart with the same settings

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




01.03.2019 21:09

Task created



02.03.2019 10:17

May be was bug in fitness+stagnation evaluation till 118. See sq4_4279 report https://roadmap.strategyquant.com/tasks/sq4_4279

Or some other report bug fixed.

And now is fixed (stagnation is shorter now and more often initial population calculation slow down calc. strgs/h)?

Comparing to SQ3 I have feeling (till 118) that stagnation is longer in SQX then in SQ3 with the same stagnation setting.



03.03.2019 22:38

Attachment fitness.jpg added

i am not clear what we exactly see in the graph of fitness

i have set in the new B119 restart after 6 generations of stagnations (in B118 i can have only 4) but i cant see in the graph of fitness from where comes the 6 generation of stagnation, because the EQ curves of fitness doesnt going down for 6 generations in a row

or am i dont understand it well?



07.03.2019 15:11
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

17.07.2019 13:26

Status changed from New to Refused

I don't see this. If you think it is slower please attach the config you use.

As for fitness chart, you should look at blue line - top 3 strategies average.

But it might be not clearly visible there, because the chart is in time, not in generations. Fitness is logged once every 5 seconds, so you might not see every fitness value move.

Votes: +1

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