Clicking some buttons does absolutely nothing

I don't get how bugs like this are not discovered within 5 minutes of basic pre-release testing.

This, and all the bugs in 119 that weren't there in 118, or were previously bugs before 118, and are now back in 119 again (see my other bug reports since 119). Surely, just 10 minutes using the program as intended before public release would highlight bugs like these so they don't completely knacker mine and other users workflow and productivity and waste a collective ton of time.

Please, please employ a team of testers (I am available at an hourly rate, since this is basically what I have been doing anyway for all builds except 118)!!

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




06.03.2019 18:32

Task created


Mark Fric

25.03.2019 10:21

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

this looks like a bigger problem, buttons normally work, but in your case the communication between UI and backend was broken.

Do you by chance have a log file from the day that it happened? It would help us investigate the issue.



25.03.2019 12:10

Attachment log_2019_03_06.log added

Attachment log_2019_03_07.log added

I do!

March 6th attached (also March 7th as the last modified data of he log file is earlier than the video creation date, so details could be in the 7th)


Tomas Brynda

14.06.2019 14:20

Status changed from Waiting for information to In progress

Votes: 0

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