119; incedible long rand. popul. generation after restarting gen. optim.

Hi , 

my experiments has showed that when you have bigger population on island a restartingg happens , generating of new random population is very very slow. i have no conditions in initial strat population. this happens i a case of smaller pops but not so slowly

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  • Votes +4
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal



clonex / Ivan Hudec

15.03.2019 10:04

Task created



15.03.2019 15:55
Voted for this task.

clonex / Ivan Hudec

16.03.2019 14:23
Voted for this task.


18.03.2019 08:39
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Mark Fric

19.03.2019 14:31

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

can you attach your configuration?

Generating large initial population could take long time, but  do you mean that it takes longer after restart than when you start the project?

It should take the same time.


clonex / Ivan Hudec

20.03.2019 16:25

Ahojte napíšem to po slovensky keďže je to dosť komplikované: 

1. vec 

Poveceme, že si zobereme USDJPY 15 min 2003-2018. 50/50 IS/OS. 

Nastavím 4 islandy na každý bachnem 2000 stratégií ( áno verte tomu, že initial population môže mať dramatický dopad na ťažko najditelne pary a na celkovú diverzitu stratégií ). Krizenie 0, 9; mutácia 0, 15. 

Prvá vec, čo mi veľa krát bila do očí, že, keď sa generujú initial populácie často krát ( takmer vždy) sa stane to, že prvý Island je vygenerovany prvý ( 2000 strat ) a ostatne tri sú tesne pod 2000. ( často krát cca cca 1900 strát ) Potom často nasleduje to, že genetika začne makať na prvom islande a kľudne dobehne aj na 4-5 generáciu, kým sa dogeneruju initial populácie na ostatných troch ostrovoch.Ja neviem či to je alebo nie je OK. Mam pocit ako, keby sa to potom cele spomaľovalo; keďže zrejme genetika je náročnejšia na výpočtový výkon. Nespomaľuje toto náhodou, teda celé generovanie? 

Nebolo by lepšie ak by s počkalo na vygenrovaním všetkých initial populácii ( resp všetky systém prostriedky by sa venovali tomu ) a až potom by šla genetika ? 

2. vec 

Takmer identicky problém, keď mám zapnuty fresh blood. Jeden ostrov dobenhe do zadaneho cieli, ako prvý a a mal by dostať fresh blood. Dajme tomu sa mu zredukujú 20% stratégií a teraz sa musí 20% obnoviť. 

Ale keďže prebieha genetika na troch ostatných ( dobieha ) tak, kým sa na tom prvom Islande vygeneruje tych 20% stratégií tak to trvá dlho. 

Možno, čo ma napadlo, že by pri initial generovaní mohol SQX  nadgenerovat XY stratégií pre budúce potreby fresh blood, ktoré len v potreby vstrekne tam kam treba, neviem toto je pre mňa ezoterická rovina keďže nevidím do vnútra. 

Toto nie je moc závislé od nastavenia. Skratka si nastavte 4 islandy / 2000 populáciu a uvidíte to sami. Ideálne 15min gbpusd alebo 15 min TF 

Možno, že to "In the end trvá" Všetko tak isto: nevidiom to toho tak ako vy. Len chcem, aby ste to vedeli - kukal som na to celú dovolenku 3-týždne. 
editt: dogenerovanvanie  populacie trva jednoznacne dlhsie . Ci to ale v sumare ked zaratam ze ostatne 3  islandy mozno generuju rychlejsie neviem

A ešte jedna vec: Nebolo by lepšie asociovať fresh blood s chovným fitness krivky. Trebárs nie každých XY generácií vstrekni XY stratégií, ale KED TI KRIVKA FITNESS KRIVKA STAGNUJE XYZ generácií bachni fresh blood. ( uvedomujem si však, že, preto to tu mame restart generácie po x generáciách stagnácie - berte to ako možnú ideu ) 


Hi, I'll write it in Slovak as it is quite complicated:

1. thing

Let's say we take USDJPY 15 min 2003-2018. 50/50 IS / OS.

I will set 4 Icelandes for each rake of 2000 strategies (yes, believe that the initial population may have a dramatic impact on hard-to-reach steam and overall strategy diversity). Crisis 0, 9; mutation 0, 15.

The first thing that hit my eyes many times that when the initial population is generated often times (almost always) it happens that the first Iceland is generated first (1000 losses) and the other three are just below 1000 (often times approx. 950 loss) Then it often follows that genetics starts to work on the first Iceland and catches up to 4-5 generations until I develop the initial population on the other three islands.I don't know whether or not it is OK. I feel like it was then slowing down completely; since genetics seems to be more computationally demanding. Doesn't this slow down by chance, the whole generation?

Wouldn't it be better if he waited for the germination of all the initial populations (or all the resources of the system would be devoted to it) and only then would genetics go?

2. thing

Almost identical problem when I have fresh blood on. One island dobenhe to the target, first and and should get fresh blood. Let's reduce the 20% of the strategies, and now 20% must be restored.

But since genetics is going on three others (catching up) as long as those 20% of strategies are generated on that first one, it takes a long time.

Perhaps what occurred to me that when initial generating SQX could generate XY strategies for future needs of fresh blood, which just need to inject where needed, I do not know this is an esoteric level for me because I do not see inside.

This is not much dependent on the setting. Briefly set 4 Iceland / 2000 population and see it yourself. Ideal 15min gbpusd or 15min TF

Maybe "In the end lasts" Everything the same way: I don't see it as it would. I just want you to know - I've been on vacation for 3 weeks.

And one more thing: It wouldn't be better to associate a fresh blood with a breeding fitness curve. For example, not every XY generation injects XY strategies, but KED TI CURVE FITNESS CURVE HOLES XYZ generations of rumen fresh blood. (I realize, however, that this is where we restart the generation after x generations of stagnation - take it as a possible idea)



25.03.2019 09:34
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

09.04.2019 12:35

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

I don't see what the bug is here. What you describe s how it should work. 

All islands work independently of each other, it is so that they don't need to wait for each other and fully use the CPU.

Generation of population takes time, but it is same as when you start the build process. 

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